.. Vad är klockan documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Oct 4 11:22:01 2022. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to "vad är klockan?" ============================ "Vad är klockan?" is Swedish for the question "what time is it?" This project solves the question on how to let an internet-connected device get time securely during boot. The source code can be found at ``_. Background ========== In order to be able to communicate securely on the internet, it is important to be able to answer the question "what time is it?". With time we mean both time of day and date. Without correct time there are many several security-critical protocols that either completely stop working or that lose much of their security. * DNSSEC, which is needed to look up names on the internet, will not work at all if the clock in a client is off by more than five minutes. It's possible to fall back to plain DNS without security, but that opens up the client to man in the middle attacks: someone who can monitor and affect the communication between client and server can force DNS to give wrong answers for domain name name lookups. You might think that you are talking to "example.com", while you're actually talking to someone completely different who is impersonating that server. * TLS (formerly known as SSL) needs correct time to verify the validity of the certificates used. TLS is the base for many other protocols used on the Internet. * HTTPS is used to secure the WWW and is based on TLS. Without secure TLS, you can't get secure HTTPS either. It's often possible to fall back to plain HTTP without security, but they are susceptible to man in the middle attacks again. * The same applies to protocols such as SMTPS, IMAPS and POP3S used for e-mail; all of them are based on TLS. There are insecure variants, plain SMTP, IMAP and POP3, but once agan they are susceptible to man in the middle attacks again. * Time can also be important for the application itself. It's suboptimal if the computer that's supposed unlock a door between 07:00 and 17:00 on weekdays get the time wrong and the door is open in the middle of the night or on a weekend. Many internet-connected devices do not know the time when they start up up. Some units are designed that way, to keep manufacturing costs down, they have no battery. When they lose power, they forget what time it is. Even devices with a battery can forget what time it is is when outing a flat battery. Other devices have a "shipping mode" where they to save battery during shipping and won't start their internal clock until they are powered up the first time. This means that the first time they start up they will not know what time it is. Our solution is to split the problem into two main parts. The fist part is about priciples, to find a method on how to securely get time at boot. The second part is to write a library to actually implement this, a library which should be useful for as many people as possible. Method ====== The method can be conceptually divided into two parts: * To securely get an answer to the question "what time is it?" by talking to a time server of some kind. We have chosen a protocol called "Roughtime" which has been submitted as an IETF draft (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-ntp-roughtime). * Even if you can query a time server, it is not certain that it actually gives the correct time. A time server might be broken and accidentally give incorrect time. A time server may also have been taken over by someone else who deliberatelly has made it respond with the wrong time. To be reasonably sure that the time once gets is correct, on one should query multiple time servers and make a judgement based on the reeceived responses. For example, query a dozen servers and require that a majority of the responses agree. To do this we have based our algorithm on the "selection and clustering algorithm" as described in RFC5906 (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5905). (Note, please be aware that the implementation of the algorithm in the RFC itself is incorrect, see the errata for a correct implementation). By separating the protocol for talking to time servers from the the algorithm for choosing which ones to trust it is relative easy to replace any of the parts in the future. Since Roughtime is currently a draft, there is a high probability that it will receive incompatible changes before it becoming a proper RFC. It might also be that some other protocol to securely query time servers will become the de facto standard in future. Implementation ============== For the implementation part of, we have chosen to make two implementations. * An implementation in Python with the goal to be easy to understand. We has based this an existing implementations of the Roughtime protocol called "pyroughtime" by Marcus Dansarie. The algorithm for choosing which time servers to trust has been written from scratch. One of the advantages of Python is that it has been relative easy to simulate and visualize the algorithms used. * An implementation in C whose goal is to be small, compact, safe and reusable on as many internet-connected devices as possible. Most platforms, ranging from small IoT devices based on Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or a real computer running Linux, Windows or MacOS can run code written in C. The support for The Roughtime protocol is based on an implementation called "vroughtime" by Oscar Reparaz. The algorithm to select which ones time-servers to trust is a port of the algorithm in Python code above. If should be easy to port the code to other languages such as Rust or Go if someone wants to do that. Reference platforms =================== These implementations then need some glue code to run the target platform one chooses. We have chosen two target platforms to begin with, but it should be easy to port the code to others platforms. * Development of both the Python and C implementations has taken place on a computer running Linux. Most of the code is cross-platform, but some platform-specific glue code was needed. The same code ought to work on Windows and Unix-based operating systems such as MacOS but has not been tested on those platforms so far. * Additionally, we have chosen to port the implementation to a small ESP32 based device with WiFi to show it also works on smaller IoT devices. The ESP32-based platform can run a stripped down version of the Python implementation in a MicroPython environment and the C implementation runs in an Arduino environment. That ESP32 device is called "TTGO" but the code should run on most ESP32 devices and possibly also on ESP8266 devices. .. image:: _static/images/ttgo.jpg :align: center :alt: TTGO ESP32 The Roughtime protocol ====================== Since the Roughtime protocol is a "draft" there are not that many usable Roughtime time-servers out the. There is only a single server implementation that fully supports IETF draft version 07 of Roughtime (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-ntp-roughtime-07). This implementation, written in C, is made by Marcus Dansarie. Netnod has chosen to set up several Roughtime servers with this implementation (sth1.roughtime.netnod.se and sth2.roughtime.netnod.se). Netnod has also set up several Roughtime servers that with incorrect time (falseticker.roughtime.netnod.se), these servers should never be used in production, but are useful for validating the algorithms used to discard bad Roughtime servers. People ====== The project "What time is it?" has been carried out during 2022 by Calle Lindkvist (C implementation), Filip Eriksson (Python implementation) under the supervision of Christer Weinigel (C/Python and server infrastructure at Netnod as well as packaging and documentation). Contents ======== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 python c swedish docs Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`